Reiki is a powerful, hands-on technique that uses the Universal Life Force energy around us to heal the body, mind and spirit. It reduces stress, promotes relaxation, and allows everyone to tap into unlimited energy to improve health and enhance the quality of life.

What can Reiki do for you?

✦ Helps you to relax
✦ Brings clarity
✦ Energises you
✦ Helps you to solve problems
✦ Relieves pain
✦ Accelerates natural healing
✦ Helps prevent the progress of diseases
✦ Detoxifies the body
✦ Dissolves energy blockages
✦ Releases emotional baggage
✦ Increases the vibrational frequency of the body
✦ Helps change negative conditioning and behaviour

What is distant Reiki?

Reiki holds beautiful advantages. Long-distance healing is available where a therapist will send Reiki over distance. This yeilds the same results as being in a room with a therapist. Long-distance Reiki is exceptionally useful for patients who cannot travel, or are immobile because of sickness.

This process of sending life energy acknowledges that we are all connected energetically. Prior to the session, we will set up a call and chat for a few minutes about your intention for the treatment. During the session, you can lie or sit quietly and receive the energy in the same way as an “in person” session. Afterwards, we will connect again via phone call to discuss the experience.


What will happen during a session?

Reiki can be done while laying down or sitting, wearing everyday clothing. The Reiki practitioner puts their hands on or over you in different areas for a few minutes before moving on to the next area. You might feel heat, a glowing energy, a tingling sensation or nothing at all – the effectiveness will be the same.

The whole session will last for 1.5h.

Crystal Healing

✦ Healing and Wellness

✦ Past Life Exploration

✦ Personal Transformation (Self-Love, Trust and Connection to Higher Self)

✦ Mother Earth Grounding

✦ Spiritual Enhancement

"It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you."

– Buddha


I have graduated from Rapid Transormational Therapy, a unique therapy created by Marisa Peer, a leading celebrity therapist and pioneering hypnotherapist trainer.

Hypnotherapy for Autism Spectrum/ Asperges

It’s important to realize that autism isn’t a disease to be cured; it is just a different way of thinking. It is estimated that there are 700,000 autistic people in the UK- that is more than 1 in 100. Autism/Asperges is a developmental disorder characterized by difficulties with social interaction and communication, causing also restricted and repetitive behaviour.

Working with Autistic/ Asperges children and teenagers for last for 10 years has given me perspective and deep understanding what young children and teenagers with this syndrome go through on daily basis. Structure and organisation is a big part of life for people with Asperges and Autism, they love repetitive activities as any change brings chaos into their brain. Repetitive behaviour and repetitive tasks keep people with Asperges feeling safe and secure.

We have to mention emotional burdens that come with Asperges and Autism like dealing with anxiety, depression, not feeling enough and feeling constantly misunderstood. Struggling with social interactions and communicating their needs and wants is a massive task for children and adults with ASD but also sensory overwhelm when being in places like supermarkets or train stations or even shops when they are surrounded my lights and noise and voices talking to them.

We live in a world where everyone wants to be accepted and fit in. We don’t want to feel different, and we don’t like when we are judged and treated differently. Unfortunately, this is how people on autistic spectrum feel. Not accepted and awkward. Not fitting into norms of society. Even though Autistic people have got enormous number of strengths from unique sense of humour, honesty, strong sense of fairness and justice not mentioning their high intelligence, their lack in social interaction brings them down and makes them feel unappreciated.

How Can Hypnotherapy using RTT help with Autism and Asperges.

If you are a parent of a child or an adult with Asperges or Autism who suffers from

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • OCD
  • Weight problems
  • Social interaction Issues
  • Communication issues
  • Phobias
  • Low self esteem
  • Not feeling whole/ enough
  • Sleeping problems

Considering that our brain is very good at creating images and autistic children and adults are extremely suggestible and imaginative group of people a hypnotherapist using words will take you to a place which is cause and root of trauma or an issue that has been created in the past e.g. anxiety or OCD. Then, through different strategies, it will transform and create a guided imagery in your mind to change old thinking patterns and  heal traumas that made you stuck in the same repetitive loop for years. All the believes will be reprogrammed so you will feel enough, whole and live a happy life without any burdens, phobias or blockages. Hypnosis is a great tool in helping to overcome obstacles and traumas which has hold you back and stopped you from being your true self.

Hypnotherapy and Dyslexia

It’s only recently that scientists have begun to understand that the way the brain processes the encoding and decoding that we call ‘writing’ and ‘reading’ isn’t the same for everybody.

For a very long time it was widely assumed that anybody who struggled with letters and words beyond their early schooldays must simply be ‘less intelligent’.

Hypnotherapy cannot cure dyslexia, but it will help with managing symptoms of it like anxiety, low self-esteem, depression, not feeling enough, spelling more accurately or reading fluently.

Working for many years with dyslexic children on autistic spectrum, I have learnt that every child has got different type of dyslexia that impacts his or her life in different forms. Dyslexia also comes not only with struggles at school related to reading, maths, English or spelling, but also with struggles of everyday tasks like being not organised, not managing a day properly or even not understanding information or not processing information correctly. This will impact children’s self-esteem as they will feel different and not enough.

The same feelings come with adults. Dyslexic adults lack in confidence. Depending on type of dyslexia and how much it impacts their everyday life, they believe they are not good enough and not intelligent enough. Helping their children with homework is struggle too as they do not process information, sometimes not understanding how to spell words correctly, how to pronounce them correctly or even what words mean.

How Can Hypnotherapy using RTT help with Dyslexia.

Hypnotherapy will help a child or an adult with confidence that they have always been struggling with. It is not only related to academic side of life but also everyday struggles that they have because of it. As hypnotherapy works with creative, subconscious mind through words a hypnotherapist with transform old believes and patterns of thinking that block and stop a child or an adult to achieve its highest potential. Whether the blockages are related to fluent reading, spelling, anxiety, confidence etc the cause of issues will be found and transformed by ordering and instructing conscious mind to make important changes.

At the end of a session a recording will be given to a child or an adult to listen to, to transform old believes and way of thinking to make a positive change and reduce symptoms that a person with dyslexia has got.

What is RTT?

Rapid Transformational Therapy® combines principles of hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, cognitive behavioural therapy, and neuroscience.

Using elements of hypnosis, including trance, regression, and hypnotic conditioning, Rapid Transformational Therapy® therapists aim to teach you how to communicate with your subconscious mind, helping you to access and address any issues that may be causing unwanted behaviour, reactions or could be holding you back.

This form of therapy uses Command Cell therapy, a technique that can help heal, rather than condition your body. Together, this allows past or underlying traumas to be addressed in a way that can help you to effectively overcome these issues.

How we navigate the world with our conscious mind is something that we develop early on. As we get older, willpower alone can often struggle to change bad habits, learned behaviours, or things we have become conditioned to fear. This is why we may make the same resolutions year after year, and set ourselves the same goals, but we still struggle to achieve the changes.

“Therapy is about understanding the self that you are. But part of getting to know yourself is to unknow yourself – to let go of the limiting stories you’ve told yourself about who you are so that you aren’t trapped by them, so you can live your life and not the story you’ve been telling yourself about your life.”

– Lori Gottlieb

How RTT works

Working with a trained Rapid Transformational Therapy® therapist will help you to better understand situations, how they affect you, and how you can change your reaction to them. RTT® may be able to help you overcome specific issues such as anxiety or depression by helping you to change automatic feelings of fear into excitement, and breaking away from behaviours that are causing physical or emotional pain.

Helping to address the root cause of issues, and not just their symptoms, Rapid Transformational Therapy® is a complete, solution-focused approach. It can help with a wide range of issues, from physical health problems to anxiety, phobias, and weight management.

What can you expect from a session

The session is about 90 to 120 minutes long. It starts with a short chat about any issues you’re facing, and since we know that 90% of all our behaviours, issues and habits are rooted in the subconscious mind, it’s important to get to the core. You will then enter a soothing state of hypnosis, where the door to the subconscious mind opens. Following your session with a therapist, you then typically receive a bespoke recording which you can listen to for a set period of time (usually 21 days or longer). This can help to rewire your brain, helping you to adapt and change your thought processes. Through changing unhelpful thoughts and patterns, you can make significant changes to your actions, and how they affect your life.

Hypnotherapy can help with:

✦ Addiction
✦ Emotional/Sexual Trauma
✦ Freedom from Anxiety, Depression and Grief
✦ Money Blocks
✦ Weight Control
✦ Confidence and Low Self Esteem
✦ Fears and Phobias/OCD
✦ Physical Health
✦ Public Speaking
✦ Exams/ Focus/Memory

Skype/ WhatsApp/Messenger calls

Having hypnotherapy in the comfort of your own home can feel more relaxing and uninhibited, which may allow you to be more sincere and open when communicating, allowing the therapist to evaluate you much better.

Hypnotherapy from home follows the same format and lasts the same amount of time as face-to-face sessions.


The Akashic Records are a dimension of consciousness that contains a vibrational record of every soul and its journey. The vibrational body of consciousness exists everywhere in its entirety and is always completely available to everyone.

In the process of accessing or ‘opening’ the Akashic Records, we transform from a state of ordinary human consciousness to a state of Divine universal consciousness in which we recognise our Oneness with Divinity at all levels.

When we talk about the Akasha, the primary substance, we’re referring to energy in its first and earliest state. This energy is a quality of Light in both the physical and spiritual senses.

Akashic Readings can give you clarity and direction in your life. The Akashic Library is a place where your soul has has a database about every possible past and future reincarnations your soul has gone through and will go through. It’s a place of honesty.

Akashic Records Readings can help you with:

✦ Past Life Healing
✦ Clearing blocks in your energy field that stops you from accessing your own Higher Self and your own Intuition
✦ Clearing abundance blocks that stop from manifesting Prosperity in your life.
✦ Identify and Heal the wounds and its roots from Past Lives that are preventing you from prosperity and keeping you at low frequency levels.
✦ Working on Karmic patterns/ contracts and what karma needs to be paid from Past Lives.

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